Hi Folks,
It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Mr. Willie Green June 14th, 2021, at 85 years of age.
As some of you may know, Willie was a regular here, playing nearly every day for 18 years!!
Willie had other gigs, opening for many big names, but he always felt at home here, and wanted to stay.
Our staff took great personal care of him while he was here, from taking him home for Christmas, to buying his clothes, endless harmonicas, restringing his guitars, and driving him to and from The Creek. We became his family.
We all learned a lot from Willie too, as did his many fans listening to the stories of his BIG life.
The memories he left for all of us will last a lifetime. (We always thought he had 9 lives!)
To those of you who had a chance to hear him play, or tell stories, lucky you!
For those who didn't, we suggest you look him up, as there is much written on him.
To say that he will be missed seems an understatement... He is and will always be part of what makes
The Yearling so special. Our history. Old Florida.
Listen close, and you might be able to hear that ol harp....
Thank you,
His Friends at The Creek
While you are enjoying your meal at The Yearling Restaurant, be sure to check out Willie Green!
Hailing from Alabama, Willie delivers authentic down home blues at The Yearling daily.
He has been called "The Real Deal" by slide guitar legend John Hammond, and has played with many of the greats.
You can buy one of Willie's CDs or Tshirts while you're here, and get them signed if you like.
Stop in and say hello, you'll hear some pickin' and some blowin' on that harp and you might even hear a story or two!
Listen and you will hear the past come alive.